Commemorative plaque for the donation of Ser Mele da Roma
Commemorative plaque for the donation of Ser Mele da Roma. Andrea Pesaro. © Comunità ebraica di Ferrara
A plaque commemorating the bequest of Ser Mele, mounted as set out in his will in 1487 inside the Italian Temple. The inscription is dictated by Avrham Farissol and is still found in the place of origin.
1. History
In 1487, in what is still the only oratory available to the Jews of Ferrara in the complex of Via Sabbioni (now Via Mazzini), a marble plaque was placed that recalls the bequest of the building by Ser Mele da Roma, required by the donor "to be placed in the location of service in perpetual memory" (Ravenna 2012, p. 43).
The Hebrew text, dictated by Avrham Farissol, summarises the provisions of Ser Mele's will.
2. The text
This will serve as a memory for the last age as the devout Mr Samuel called ser Mele from Rome B.M. [of blessed memory], son of Salomon B.M., has bought this School in the name of the Lord and to say prayers within the continuous one this eleventh day of December 5242 from the creation of the world that was in the year 1481 as it appears in the acts of Mr Jacomo de Vincenzi, notary of Ferrara;
the aforementioned ser Mele leaves the aforementioned house as absolute donation with all his belongs and his faculty that will be found after his demise to the undersigned persons that is to R. [rabbi=Mr] Bonaiuto Vita from Monselise, son of R. Elia B.M., and R. Lazzaro from Norsa, son of Salomon B.M., et R. Emanuel from Norsa, son of Noè B.M., and R. Abram and R. Prospero,, brothers from Cologne and sons of Samuel B.M., to them et to their successors forever;
And the aforesaid ser Mele also commands that one can never for any time sell the aforesaid house;
I, Abram Frizoli [Farissol], a celebrator of prayer of the University of the Hebrews of Ferrara, son of Angel Frizoli [Farissol], wrote the aforementioned things in the month of Sivan, said in Hebrew, in the year 5247 of the creation of the world.
(Translation of the plaque from Hebrew into vernacular, Ravenna 2012, pp. 69-70)
- Ravenna, Paolo, La Fondazione di Ser Mele da Roma (1481-1485). Un personaggio (e una lapide) alle radici della vita della comunità ebraica ferrarese, in «Ferrara. Voci di una città. Rivista semestrale di cultura, informazione e attualità della Fondazione Cassa di risparmio di Ferrara», 6, 1997, Ferrara, pp. 19-21 Vai al testo digitalizzato
- Ravenna, Paolo, La sinagoga dei Sabbioni. Il Tempio di Rito Italiano a Ferrara da Ser Mele ai Finzi Contini, Edisai, Ferrara 2012
Related places
Compiling entity
- Istituto di Storia Contemporanea di Ferrara
- Federica Pezzoli
- Sharon Reichel