The MuseoFerrara Museum opened in Ferrara, Italy on 25 April 2015, marking the 70th anniversary of the Italian Liberation, coinciding with the Jewish Book Festival (Festa del Libro Ebraico).
More than just a new museum, MuseoFerrara is rather a new kind of museum - one which holds, safeguards and updates our knowledge about and understanding of the city. Locations and urban spaces constitute its constantly changing and developing ‘collection’.
MuseoFerrara is dedicated to the history of the city, divided into two main elements: a ‘diffused’ museum that’s as big as the city itself, and an online museum, at www.museoferrara.it.
The creation and growth of MuseoFerrara have been entrusted to local institutions, but also, and perhaps most importantly, to the people.
MuseoFerrara is a museum for all, residents and visitors alike. It’s a way learn about and appreciate Ferrara while drawing upon the knowledge of the past to build the future of the city, tapping into the potential of democratic participation.