MuseoFerrara API | Reference Guide
List by function (Beta 0.2 version):
Search by keyword
GET /api/search/...?json={parameters}
Search any class of entity object
GET /api/categories
Loads all the categories class found in the system.
Entity (Card)
GET /api/entity/{sid}
Extract the main data (placard) of a specific entity given its SID.
Entity by category
GET /api/entities_by_category/{id|sid|guid}/{value}
Searches all the entities associated to a specific category according to its ID, SID or GUID.
Entity by theme
GET /api/entities_by_theme/{id|sid|guid}/{value}
Searches all the entities correlated with a specific theme according to its ID, SID or GUID.
Ricerca per date
GET /api/search_by_timeline/start/{start_value}/stop/{stop_value}
Searches all the entities included between a start and end date
Correlation of an entity
GET /api/connections/start/{id|sid|guid}/{value}
Searches all the entities correlated (in) with the definite entity (out).
User license infos
The data contained in the datasets and the information found on, unless otherwise indicated within the metadata or other technical documentation, are made available under IODL 2.0: “Italian Open Data License”.
The IODL has been issued by Formez PA,
a service centre for the modernization of Public Administrations. It governs both the intellectual property rights of the published data, and their potential uses pursuant to applicable Italian law.
By way of non-limiting example, the IODL 2.0 license lets you:
- copy the data;
- distribute the data;
- present the data in public;
- include the data in other works;
- use the data for commercial purposes;
- combine the data with other data or information;
upon the condition that:
- you indicate the source and owner of said data;
- you do not use the information in such a way that suggests it is official.
Information about the MuseoFerrara API (Application Program Interface)
The MuseoFerrara informations are released with Open Data licence. The "MuseoFerrara API" The MuseoFerrara API lets users, entities or public and private organisations use the information found on the website according to IODL 2.0, pursuant to applicable laws. Users are given a choice of various methods to access the data: the contents of a single card, the list of cards belonging to a specific theme, and a date or keyword search. The data found on the site (except for digitized images and text protected by specific copyrights), a unique example in terms of Italian Open Data, can be used through access to specific APIs that provide data in real time in terms of that shown on the main site. The information is provided in JSON format. One main example of use within MuseoFerrara is The Museum app, designed to help users enjoy the museum's collection. per la fruizione della collezione del museo.
For more information:
For more information about accessing and using our APIs, please contact 21Style by email